How to Manage a Team Successfully


Most people think creating a team is all about finding employees with the right skillsets. But it takes a great leader to get a group of individuals with distinctive mindsets, skills, knowledge, and experience to work together. The leader should be brave enough to make bold decisions and ensure high standards of work performance are always being met. On top of all this, they should constantly challenge their team to do better. The only way to do this is by acknowledging their own and their team’s strengths and weaknesses. To manage a team successfully, you need to include a few other elements too. 

Show Respect 

When employees lack the respect they need, they don’t feel inclined to share their bright ideas in the workplace. They won’t deliver their best work either. But, showing employees respect can take you a long way. For example, employees will feel motivated to bring their best version to work every day. In return, you’ll get access to innovative ideas and stellar work performances day in day out. There are many ways you can show employees how much you value them. The most effective way is through internal communication. It’s regular and efficient, so you can show them a little respect every time you communicate. If you’re interested in workplace communications, you can find out more here

Focus on Growth 

Managers and team leads have many responsibilities. One of them is supporting their teams and this is what you should do too. Since you’re in charge of your team, you should show them you care about their personal and professional development. Then, you can be on a constant lookout for growth opportunities that would suit your team members and the goals they want to accomplish. There are always some workshops or webinars they can attend and acquire in-demand skills and relevant certifications. Some other ways for focusing on employee growth are giving timely and regular feedback and constructive criticism.

Celebrate Success

Companies and employees are going through challenging times. In times like these, it’s important to celebrate success and achievements. It means you and your team should be able to look back at the journey that led you to the accomplishment. Since workplaces are changing rapidly, there’s not enough time to reflect and understand the impact success has had on them and the people around them. So, encourage your team to take as much time as they need to soak up the success. It might help them get the motivation they need to tackle the next challenge. By celebrating success and motivating employees, you’re also creating a positive work environment.

Set Ground Rules 

It’s okay if you want to treat your team with the respect they deserve. However, you should be able to assert yourself as an authority when needed. For your team to recognize you as an authoritative figure, you need to set some ground rules. Let your team know what your primary duties and responsibilities are. Your job is to make sure they do their work and meet expectations. If they do less of what’s expected of them, they need to know you’ll be forced to take some form of disciplinary action. When the rules are clear, employees won’t feel the need to test the boundaries and your patience.

Increase Accountability 

Like respect and communication, accountability goes both ways. To manage a team efficiently, you should be able to hold every member of the team accountable for what they say and do in the workplace. Employees can’t expect to get respect if they don’t do their work right. Being held accountable actually turns them into highly effective people. It’s because they know what will happen if they make a severe mistake or miss a deadline. That knowledge drives them to do their work diligently and more carefully than before. This way, your team becomes more efficient too. 

Prioritize Transparency 

Employees don’t like when information is being withheld from them. Also, vague and unconfirmed information frustrates them. For this and many other reasons, you should make transparency across the organization a priority. Not only will it stimulate creativity and innovation among employees but also intensify your efforts in building a stronger employer brand. Your employees will feel valued which is essential to their employee experience, productivity, and job satisfaction. More importantly, they’ll feel confident enough to make bold suggestions the company may benefit from. On the other hand, the company will become attractive to talented young professionals and customers.


Team management is more than hiring the right people for the job. It takes great leaderships skills, boldness, effective management style, and our advice to manage a team successfully. 

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