
Montessori Toys Explained

A Montessori toy would be one that serves as a teaching and learning purpose and promotes social interaction, not just entertainment and/or distraction (thus the difference between Montessori toys and those which are more ‘entertainment’ based). The Montessori educational philosophy aims at helping children grow and mature well-rounded individuals who Continue Reading

How to Use Technology in Education

Technology in education is everywhere: in schools, in churches, in the media, and even on TV. Students, parents, teachers, and researchers are recognizing the many benefits that come from using technology in education. Students benefit from using digital technologies to not only learn but also to be entertained. And teachers Continue Reading

Best Non-Traditional Teaching Methods

Traditional classrooms have been the norm for decades, but what about in-person, non-traditional teaching methods? There are a wide variety of in-person methods for teaching, many of which are becoming more popular due to their ease of implementation, and many of which are much more effective than the old-style textbooks. Continue Reading

Sports Scholarships in the USA: Everything You Need to Know

Getting a sports scholarship in the USA is what many young people dream about. The country is prioritizing internationalization, meaning that there are a number of opportunities to get funding for your studies. However, there are many misconceptions about it, especially about how much aid the student receives. College can Continue Reading