Who Was Maria Montessori?

montessori education

Montessori is an educational system named after Mrs. Maria Montessori, who was the first lady in Italy to gain a doctorate of medicine. As a nurse, she also looked at schooling from a scientific point of view. She became an advocate for the right to education for women in the nineteenth century. The dedication of her work is credited as one of the main inspirations for the structure of today’s school systems. The dedication of Montessori to the education of all is recognized today with a large number of schools that are dedicated to this cause.

The main aim

The main aim of Montessori was to educate women and to help them through a systematic approach that would help them with their reasoning skills. There was to be a balance between the theoretical knowledge offered and practical application. This is why the first Montessori school was established in 18 53 at the University of Barcelona in Spain. Through the help of a few female doctors who were willing to share their ideas, the institution began to evolve.

The medical school that was established is the one that has been accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. In keeping with the principles of Montessori education, it was founded on the fundamental beliefs that all students should be taught about life, the human mind, and God. The medical school was established in Barcelona, Spain in the year 1896. Two years later the first female student decided to stay and work at the medical school with the other doctors. It was the mission of the school to apply the teachings of the great physician to the medical field.

Traveled extensively

During the early years of her career, Maria Montessori traveled extensively to Rome, Naples, Sicily, and Pisa. This is where she received the teaching that would mold her into becoming a true leader. During this time, she also developed an educational approach that blended the best of all worlds. There was a mix of practical training and lectures that were Montessori influenced, but there was also an educational approach that brought philosophy and spirituality into the classroom. It was these elements that would later make her the person she was and a key component to the formation of the United States education system.

montessori education

Important activities

One of the important activities that Maria Montessori did be establishing a medical school in Barcelona. This would establish an influence on the rest of the Spanish-speaking world. The medical school, which was eventually named the University of Barcelona, was created over a century ago. It was here that Montessori exerted a great deal of effort to influence the social reform movement that happened throughout the country. Her work as a teacher would also inspire many young students to follow in her footsteps who wanted to be teachers and join in the fight for social reform.

Helped introduce a seminar type of training course

Two years later, Maria Montessori helped introduce a seminar type of training course for nursery school teachers. This would change the way that the children studied and received instruction in fundamental concepts. In this training course, students were introduced to different subjects such as mathematics, history, and Spanish. Within two years, this seminar had become famous because of its high success rate and impact on the entire education system.

Educational program

Maria Montessori continued with this educational program in Barcelona. Within this time, she began to take interest in all aspects of medical science. She created schools that encouraged the study of anatomy, physiology, histology, and even applied science. With the help of these innovative ideas, Maria Montessori began to prepare young minds for their careers in medicine. By doing this, she became known as a true Renaissance woman.


Maria Montessori’s educational approach continues to influence the way the students learn and study today. For parents who want to see their children excel in school, this style of teaching is one of the best options. In recent years, the concept of a private educational program has emerged as a way for families to provide their children with the high-quality education that they need. By using Maria Montessori’s techniques in education, you can help your child reach his or her full academic potential.

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